July 2019
Lam Pham
Gary T. Henry
Adam Kho
Ron Zimmer
In 2012, Tennessee began a series of bold new initiatives to turn around its lowest-performing five percent of schools, known as Priority Schools. Building on previous research, this brief examines student achievement gains six years into the implementation of the Achievement School District (ASD) and Innovation Zones (iZones).
July 2019
Lam Pham
Gary T. Henry
Adam Kho
Ron Zimmer
This analysis uses a difference-in-difference (DID) approach to compare the changes in test scores from the baseline year in the ASD and iZone schools to the scores after they initiated reforms with the changes in test scores during the same period in the other Priority schools that did not receive a reform. The data include student- and teacher-level demographic characteristics, student test scores from the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP), End of Course Exams (EOCs), and TNReady, and school enrollment data from 2006-2007 to 2017-2018.