Mental Health In Tennessee Schools:

Trends from the 2023 Tennessee Educator Survey


October 2023

Mason Shero

Key Findings

  • About 9 out of 10 teachers and mental health professionals agreed that their school has specific staff members who are trained to address student mental health needs. About 7 in 10 reported feeling that the mental health referral process at their school gets students the help they need quickly.
  • Teachers and mental health professionals most often identified counseling, psychological, and social services as the area in most urgent need of additional supports and resources, and they most often requested better professional development opportunities in related areas.
  • Teachers and mental health professionals who said they were familiar with the resources available through their districts’ family resource center and coordinated school health office most often reported that counseling, psychological services, social supports, and health services are the most useful resources that these offices provide. However, fewer than 3 in 10 teachers and mental health professionals said they were familiar with these resources.
  • Teachers who were satisfied with their personal wellness during the 2022-23 school year were more likely to report that they planned to continue teaching at the same school during the 2023-24 school year.

Suggested Citation

Shero, M. (2023). Mental health in Tennessee schools: Trends from the 2023 Tennessee Educator Survey. Tennessee Education Research Alliance.