Publications and Research

Next Steps at Vanderbilt is proud of its affiliation with one of the world’s leading institutions for educational research. Many Vanderbilt and Peabody College faculty members study questions of inclusive post-secondary education, educational access, and transition to independence. Below is a list of some of their recent publications.

Next Steps Staff at the State of the Art Conference in Colorado Springs, CO in 2023.
Next Steps Staff at the State of the Art Conference in Colorado Springs, CO in 2023.

Annual Reports

Learn how the program contributes to excellence in scholarship, education, and inclusion/equity:

Published Articles  

Travers, H. E., Carter, E. W., Picard, E. T., & Hauptman, L. (2023). It "goes both ways": The impact of peer-mediated interventions on peers. Inclusion.

Macon, M., (2022). Developing Registered Apprenticeships within Inclusive Postsecondary Education. Think College Insight Brief, Issue No. 56. Boston, MA: University of Massachusetts Boston, Institute for Community Inclusion.

Ferrell, M. ., & Carter, E. (2022). Addressing Alcohol Awareness with College Students with Intellectual Disability. Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education, 4(1).

McCabe, L., Hall, C., Carter, E. W., Lee, E. B., & Bethune-Dix, L. K. (2022). Faculty perspectives on the appeal and impact of including college students with intellectual disability. Inclusion, 10(1), 71-86.

Travers, H. E., & Carter, E. W. (2022). How do peers benefit from peer-mediated interventions? Examining impact within secondary and postsecondary programs. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 47(2), 72-89.

Carter, E. W., & McCabe, L. (2021). Perspectives of peers within the inclusive postsecondary education movement: A systematic review. Behavior Modification, 45(2), 215-250.

Hall, C., McCabe, L., Carter, E. W., Lee, E. B., & Bethune-Dix, L. K. (2021). Teaching college students with intellectual disability: Faculty experiences with inclusive higher education. Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education, 3(1), 1-26.

Lee, C. E., Day, T. L., Carter, E. W., & Taylor, J. L. (2021). Examining growth among college students with intellectual and developmental disability: A longitudinal study. Behavior Modification, 45(2), 324-348.

Schroeder, E. T., Carter, E. W., & Simplican, S. C. (2021). First-year orientation programs involving undergraduates with intellectual disability: Exploring barriers and belonging. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 34(3), 239-252.

Spruit, S., & Carter, E. W. (2021). Friendships through inclusive postsecondary education programs: Perspectives of current and former students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 59(6), 487-501.

Bumble, J. L., Carter, E. W., Bethune, L., Day, T., & McMillan, E. D. (2019). Community conversations on inclusive higher education for students with intellectual disability. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 42(1), 29-42.

Carter, E. W., Gustafson, J. R., Mackay, M. M., Martin, K., Parsley, M., Graves, J., Day, T., McCabe, L., Lazarz, H., McMillan, E. D., Beeson, T., Schiro-Geist, C., Williams, M., & Cayton, J. (2019). Motivations and expectations of peer mentors within inclusive higher education programs for students with intellectual disability. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 42(3), 168-178.

Manikas, A., Carter, E. W., & Bumble, J. L. (2018). Inclusive community service among college students with and without intellectual disability: A pilot study. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 31(3), 225-238.

Christopher-Allen, A., Hunter, W., Brown, S., Carter, E. W., & Schiro-Geist, C. (2017). Utilizing peer-mediated instruction within post-secondary classrooms. Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis, 17, 27-36. 

Gilson, C. B., Bethune, L. K., Carter E. W., & McMillan, E. D. (2017). Informing and equipping parents of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 55(5), 347-360. doi:10.1352/1934-9556-55.5.347

Blustein, C. L., & Carter, E. W. (2016). Promoting social interactions and job independence for college students with autism or intellectual disability: A pilot study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 4611), 3583-3596.

Blustein, C. L., Carter, E. W., & McMillan, E. (2016). The voices of parents: Post-high school expectations, priorities, and concerns for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 50, 164-177.

Griffin, M. M., Mello, M. P., Glover, C. A., Carter, E. W., & Hodapp, R. (2016). Supporting students with intellectual disability in postsecondary education: The motivations and experiences of peer mentors. Inclusion, 4, 75-88. 

Griffin, M. M., Wendel, K. F., Day, T. L., & McMillan, E. D. (2016). Developing peer supports for college students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 29, 263-269.

Chapters And Other Publications

Bethune-Dix, L., Carter, E. W., Hall, C., McMillan, E. D., Cayton, J., Day, T., Vranicar, M., Bouchard, C., Krech, L., Gustafson, J., & Bauer, E. (2020). Inclusive higher education for college students with intellectual disability. In G. Crimmins & K. Barling (Eds.), Strategies that support inclusion and diversity in higher education (pp. 309-328). Palgrave/Springer.

Carter, E. W. (2019). Perspectives of peer mentors supporting inclusive higher education. Think College Fast Facts, 22, 1-2.

Bethune-Dix, L., & Cayton, J. (2018). Unifying inclusive higher education and postsecondary education programs: Making strong connections. In Inclusive higher education: Practices and perspectives from the Southeast (pp. 26-28). Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.

Bethune-Dix, L., Cayton, J., Deberry, Z., Guzman, F., Loschke, K., Muccilli, K., Shouse, E., & Taylor, C. (Eds.). (2018). Inclusive higher education: Practices and perspectives from the Southeast. Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.

Carter, E. W. (2018). Inclusive higher education and a future of flourishing. In Inclusive higher education: Practices and perspectives from the Southeast (pp. 4-13). Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.

Cayton, J. (2018). Orientation: Starting the semester off right. In Inclusive higher education: Practices and perspectives from the Southeast (pp. 14-15). Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.

Day, T., Stahl, S., Turton, D. Black, G. L., & Shields, S. (2018). The importance of guidance from university administrators. In Inclusive higher education: Practices and perspectives from the Southeast (pp. 31-34). Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.

Griffin, M. M., Lane, L., Day, T. L., & McMillan, E. D. (2018). Literacy beyond high school. In S. Copeland & E. Keefe (Eds.) Effective literacy instruction for learners with complex support needs. Paul. H. Brookes.

McMillan, E., Miller-Raines, S., & Day, T. (2018). Ensuring higher education is affordable for all. In Inclusive higher education: Practices and perspectives from the Southeast (pp. 24-25). Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.

Underwood, J., & McCabe, L. (2018). Student perspectives: Every voice counts. In Inclusive higher education: Practices and perspectives from the Southeast (pp. 29-30). Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.


Barker, E., Macon, M., & Sanders, E. (2023, October). Developing registered apprenticeship programs in inclusive postsecondary education programs. Presentation presented at the 2023 State of the Art Conference, Colorado Springs, CO.

Bethune-Dix, L. K., & Taylor, C. (2023, October). SAIL: Self-Advocates in Leadership: A Concentration for Inclusive Higher Education Students. State of the Art Conference, Colorado Springs, CO

Barker, E., & Sanders, E. (2023, May). Empowering supervisors in inclusive workplaces. Presentation presented at the 2023 Southeastern Postsecondary Education Alliance Conference, Nashville, TN.

Bethune-Dix, L. K., Gilchrist, L., & Krech, L. (2023, May). Utilizing service-learning partnership to develop and deliver student-led independent studies in IHE. Presentation at the 2023 SEPSEA Conference, Nashville, TN.

Kosakoff, A., Bethune-Dix, L., & Taylor, C. (2023, May). Self-Advocates in Leadership - A concentration for students in IHE programs. Presentation at the 2023 SEPSEA Conference, Nashville, TN. 

Macon, M., Seabolt, K., & Williams, R. (2023, May). Developing registered apprenticeship programs in inclusive postsecondary education programs. Presentation presented at the 2023 Southeastern Postsecondary Education Alliance Conference, Nashville, TN.

Bethune-Dix, L. K. & Gilchrist, L. (2022, June). Service Learning: Strengthening student-led independent studies in an IHE Program. Presentation presented at the 2022 SEPSEA Conference, Auburn, AL.

Bethune-Dix, L. K. (2021, May). Promoting skill-building: Student-driven independent studies in an IHE Program. Presentation presented at the 2021 SEPSEA Virtual Conference.

Krech, L., Macon, M., & Young, L. (2021, January). Supporting students with virtual career activities. Presentation presented at the 2021 Partners in Education Conference, Nashville, TN.

Barker, E., Krech, L., & Macon, M. (2020, October). Employment Services in Tennessee. Virtual presentation for Advocating for Supports to Improve Service Transitions grant, The Arc of Tennessee, Nashville, TN.

Bethune-Dix, L.K. (2020, July). Designing meaningful independent studies for students with disabilities: A new way to teach critical skills and self-monitoring strategies for postsecondary life. Presentation presented at the TPSID Director's Virtual Meeting.

Bethune-Dix, L.K., & Bauer, C. (2020, July). Designing meaningful independent studies for students with disabilities: A new way to teach critical skills and self-monitoring strategies for postsecondary life. Presentation presented at the 2020 SEPSEA Virtual Conference.

Brawner, D., Krech, L., Macon, M., & Zarabi, A. (2020, July). Student perspectives on career development. Virtual Presentation presented at the 2020 Southeastern Postsecondary Education Alliance Conference, Nashville, TN.

Barker, E., Krech, L., & Macon, M. (2020, June). Employment Services in Tennessee. Virtual presentation for Advocating for Supports to Improve Service Transitions grant, The Arc of Tennessee, Nashville, TN.

Bethune-Dix, L.K., & Hall, C. (2020, January). Designing meaningful independent studies for students with disabilities: A new way to teach critical skills and self-monitoring strategies for postsecondary life. Presentation presented at the 2020 Partners in Education Conference, Nashville, TN.

Chinratanalab, P., Nowell, C., Pipkorn, J., & Vranicar, M. (2020, January). Student perspectives on career development. Presentation presented at the 2020 Partners in Education Conference, Nashville, TN.

Brawner, D., Vranicar, M., & Zarabi, A. (2019, November). Student perspectives on career development. Presentation presented at the 2019 State of the Art Conference, Reno, NV.

Bethune-Dix, L.K., & Bouchard, C. (2019, July). Building quality pathways for students with ID through authentic early college and career expectations. Presentation presented at the 2019 Institute for CTE Educators, Chattanooga, TN.

Bouchard, C., Krech, L., & Vranicar, M. (2019, June). In the Know: tools and strategies for career exploration and awareness. Presentation presented at the 2019 National Association of People Supporting Employment First Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Krech, L., Lieck, L., & Vranicar, M. (2019, January). Preparing students for success after high school. Presentation presented at the 2019 Partners in Education Conference, Nashville, TN.

Carter, E. W. (2018, October). Inclusive post-secondary education: New horizons for college students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Presentation at the Celebrating the Challenges Conference of the Alberta Teachers Association Council for Inclusive Education. Canmore, Alberta.

Carter, E. W. (2018, April). Toward a future of flourishing: Supporting strong transitions for youth with autism. Keynote presentation at the Utah Valley University Autism Conference. Orem, Utah.

Carter, E. W. (2018, January). Changing trajectories: Postures, practices, and people that lead to flourishing. Keynote presentation at the Everyday Lives Conference. Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Day, T. (2017). Transition planning for students with disabilities, ages 18-22. Presentation at the Special Needs Alliance 2017 Spring Meeting. Nashville, TN.

Dubree, K., & Halman, M. (2017, May). Real conversations about real jobs. Presentation at the Tennessee Disability MegaConference, Nashville, TN.

Bernstein, C., & Underwood, J. (2017, May). Every voice counts. Presentation at the Tennessee Disability MegaConference, Nashville, TN.  

Carter, E. W. (2017, June). Inclusive higher education and a future of flourishing.  Keynote presented at the 3rd Annual Southeastern Postsecondary Education and Capacity Building Institute, Nashville, TN.

Shields, S. (2017, June). The importance of guidance from university administrators. Presentation at the 3rd Annual Southeastern Postsecondary Education and Capacity Building Institute, Nashville, TN.

Cayton, J. (2017, June). Orientation: Starting each semester off right. Presentation presented at the 3rd Annual Southeastern Postsecondary Education and Capacity Building Institute, Nashville, TN.

Bethune, L. K., & Cayton, J. (2017, June). Unifying higher education and PSE programs: Making strong connections. Presentation presented at the 3rd Annual Southeastern Postsecondary Education and Capacity Building Institute, Nashville, TN.

McCabe, L., & Underwood, J. (2017, June). Every voice counts. Presentation presented at the 3rd Annual Southeastern Postsecondary Education and Capacity Building Institute, Nashville, TN.

McMillan, E., & Raines, S. (2017, June). Ensuring higher education is affordable for all. Presentation at the 3rd Annual Southeastern Postsecondary Education and Capacity Building Institute, Nashville, TN.

Day, T., & Bethune, L.K. (2017, July). The face of inclusive higher education: Eligibility and supports. Poster presented at the 2018 TPSID Director's Meeting, Orlando, FL. 

Bumble, J., & Carter, E. W. (2017, October). Laying the groundwork for post-secondary education through community conversations. Presentation at the 23rd International Division on Career Development and Transition Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Carter, E. W., & McMillan, E. (2017, November). The power and practice of community conversations: Expanding opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Poster presentation at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Conference. Washington, DC.

Reeves, S., & Dubree, K. (2017, November). More than a job developer: CRCs bring expertise to TPSID teams. Presentation at the 2017 State of the Art Conference, Syracuse, NY.

Martin, K.  (2017, November). Providing transition tools for post-college life. Presentation at the 2017 State of the Art Conference, Syracuse, NY.

Spruit, S. (2017, November). Perspectives on friendships with students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in IPSE. Presentation at the 2017 State of the Art Conference, Syracuse, NY.

Bumble, J., & Carter, E. W. (2017, December). Community perspectives: Advancing post-secondary education for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Poster presentation at the 42nd Annual TASH Conference. Atlanta, Georgia.

Carter, E. W. (2017, December). Changing perspectives and raising expectations: Inclusive higher education for students with intellectual disabilities. Presentation presented at the 2018 TASH conference, Atlanta, GA.

Bethune, L. K., & Schroeder, E. (2018, February). Evaluating student progress: Ways to capture satisfactory academic progress. Presentation presented at the 2018 Partners in Education Conference, Nashville, TN.

Bethune, L. K. (2018, February). Changing perspectives & raising expectations: Inclusive higher education for students with intellectual disabilities. Presentation presented at the 2018 Texas Transition Conference, Houston, TX.

Day, T., Parsley, M., Bernstein, C., & Bautista, D. (2016). Changing perspectives & raising expectations: Inclusive higher education for students with intellectual disabilities. Presentation at the Tennessee Department of Education LEAD Conference. Nashville, TN.

Martin, T., Branch, M., Stalcup, E., Butler, L., Bawcum, D., Bernstein, C., & Nesbitt, E. (2016). The power of a college education: Personal perspectives from students with disabilities. Presentation at the Tennessee Disability MegaConference. Nashville, TN.

Day, T., Beeson, T., Whitmore, M., & Graves, J. (2016). How three federal grants expand college opportunities in Tennessee. Presentation at the Tennessee Disability MegaConference. Nashville, TN.

McMillan, E. (2016). Inclusive higher education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Tennessee. Presentation at the 2016 SLP Conference, Vanderbilt University. Nashville, TN.

Krech, L., & Day, T. (2016). Inclusive higher education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Tennessee. Presentation at the Employment and Community First -CHOICES Program Training. Brentwood, TN.

Day, T. (2016). Inclusive higher education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Tennessee. Presentation at the What's Next? Planning for your Child After High School Seminar. Nashville, TN.

Slonim, S. (2016). Post-secondary education opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Presentation at the Kentucky Governor's Scholars Program. Nashville, TN.

Gavigan, J., McMillan, E., & Bernstein, C. (2016). Student perspectives from Next Steps at Vanderbilt alumni. Presentation at the Higher Education 4 All in MS: A Think College Capacity Building Institute. Hattiesburg, MI.

McMillan, E. (2016). Building inclusive postsecondary education in Tennessee. Presentation at the Higher Education 4 All in MS:  A Think College Capacity Building Institute. Hattiesburg, MI.

Day, T. (2016). Next Steps at Vanderbilt. Presentation at the Higher Education 4 All in MS:  A Think College Capacity Building Institute. Hattiesburg, MI.

Gajjar, S., Day, T., & Parsley, M. (2016). Transition TN: Supports and partnerships. Presentation at the Tennessee Department of Education Partners in Education Conference. Nashville, TN.

Bernstein, C., Huddleston, N., Bethune, L., & Krech, L. (2016). Changing perspectives & raising expectations: Inclusive higher education for students with intellectual disabilities. Presentation at the TN Department of Education Partners in Education Conference. Nashville, TN.

Underwood, J., & Cayton, J. (2016). Ambassadores of friendship: Fostering social relationships in college through peer mentor programs. Presentation at the State of the Art Conference. Fairfax, VA.

Day, T., & Raines-Miller, S. (2016). Student tuition assistance. Presentation at the State of the Art Conference. Fairfax, VA.

McMillan, E., & Miller-Raines, S. (2016). Navigating the changing and expanding opportunities for college: Making inclusive higher education affordable for all students and families. Poster presentation at the AUCD Conference. Washington, DC.

Bethune, L., & Cayton, J. (2016). Unifying higher education and PSE programs: Making strong connections. Presentation at the State of the Art Conference. Fairfax, VA.

Huddleston, N., Underwood, J., & Day, T. (2016). Inclusive higher education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Tennessee. Presentation at the Think Employment Summit. Brentwood, TN.

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