Educator Insights from a Year of Pandemic Schooling

Trends from the 2021 Tennessee Educator Survey


November 2021

Jong Eun Jung
Susan Kemper Patrick

About the Brief

This brief analyzes results from the 2021 Tennessee Educator Survey and discusses educator perspectives and insights into COVID-related concerns during the 2020-21 school year. Several concerns, including growing educational inequities and challenges with technology, continued into and throughout the 2020-2021 school year.

Key Findings

  • Changes in teachers' professional experiences and support: Teachers' workload and support shifted this year, and teachers who taught both virtually and in person reported numerous challenges related to resources and time.
  • Persistent technology gaps: Schools and districts invested considerable resources in technology, but gaps in access and training remain, especially among high-poverty and rural schools. 
  • Issues concerning student engagement and attendance: Teachers reported challenges with student engagement and attendance, especially for students learning virtually and those attending high-poverty schools.
  • Widespread concerns about missed instruction: About two-thirds of teachers identified missing instructional time as the top concern for students during the 2020-21 school year, and most reported that they weren't able to cover as much of their formal curriculum than they have in past years.

Suggested Citation

Jung, J. & Patrick, S. K. (2021). Educator insights from a year of pandemic schooling: Trends from the 2021 Tennessee Educator Survey. Tennessee Education Research Alliance.