Educator Insights from Pandemic to Recovery:

Trends from the 2022 Tennessee Educator Survey


January 2023

Colby Woods
Isaiah Bailey
Jessica Holter
Kaitlin Binsted

About the Brief

This brief explores teachers' concerns about pandemic-related challenges in their school as recovery from the pandemic continues, and examines trends in teachers' job satisfaction, perceptions of school climate, and student discipline. 

Key Findings

  • While teacher satisfaction has returned to pre-pandemic levels, overall job satisfaction and feelings about school climate remain high.
  • Teachers identified student attendance as the top challenge in the 2021-22 school year.
  • Teachers reported spending more time on student disciplinary issues in the 2021-22 school year compared to previous years.
  • In 2021-22, more teachers reported that they were able to cover a similar amount of content from their formal curriculum as they would have expected to in a pre-pandemic year. 

Suggested Citation

Woods, C., Bailey, I., Holter, J., & Binsted, K. (2022). Educator insights from pandemic to recovery: Trends from the 2022 Tennessee Educator Survey. Tennessee Education Research Alliance