Susan Gray School is a valued and unique part of Vanderbilt's Research Office. In addition to the funding provided by the University, the school relies on the generosity of foundations and individuals to carry out its commitment to high-quality service, professional training, cutting-edge research, and the demonstration of the best in early childhood education and special education practices.
Donors to Susan Gray School are essential partners in sustaining and strengthening the school's on-site and outreach programs. For more than six decades, Susan Gray School has nurtured the development of children in the Nashville community, as well as shone a light for the nation on how to best prepare our children to reach their full potential. By making a gift to the school, you help this light shine brighter, and you directly impact the early childhood educational experiences of our children.

We are the Thomas Family!
We are now in year 7 of having children at SGS. Our children are Sadie (8), Bowen (6), and Silas (3) -- who is currently a Frog Friend. I work in the Dean of Students Office at Vanderbilt and my husband works as a sales manager for a medical sales company. Our nieces and nephew attended SGS as well and it has become a special place to our families. SGS has taught our children (and us!) the powerful lesson that all abilities are beautiful and should be celebrated. We are so grateful for the relationships we have made with other SGS families and the individualized support the amazing teachers and staff provide to our kiddos!

We are the Lenihan Family.
Our oldest son, William (4), has a rare genetic condition called Williams Syndrome causing intellectual disability and developmental delay. He started at SGS when he was two years old and a weight was immediately lifted from our shoulders. The high quality teachers, amazing therapists, and the collaboration between each to support William is invaluable. Perhaps most importantly, William's classmates of all ability levels teach him every day and love him for exactly who he is. Our middle daughter, Frankie (2), joined the Busy Bees in the Fall as a typically developing peer. She is so proud to attend the same school as her big brother and we hope she includes the students in her class with special needs the same way Will's friends have included him. Finally, we plan for our youngest daughter, Jackie (4 months), to one day learn and grow at SGS as well. We are forever grateful for the supportive community we are a part of at Susan Gray.
How You Can Help
Check out these links to learn about the many, easy ways you can support SGS:
Please consider making a gift by:
Credit card: Use our secure online giving form. Select the option "Other" and include "Susan Gray School" in the comments.
Check: Make a gift payable to Vanderbilt University with "Susan Gray School" in the memo section of your check and send it to:
PMB 407727
2301 Vanderbilt Place
Nashville, TN 37240-7727
Stocks and Securities: Visit the stocks and securities webpage for details on how you can provide philanthropic support and receive important tax benefits.
Or for more information, contact David Chambliss, Peabody's Associate Dean for Development and Alumni Relations, at (615) 936-4533 or at