Special Education Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.)

An individually crafted program of study prepares you for faculty and leadership positions in colleges, universities, research institutes, or human service agencies.

Program Overview

Acquire fundamental research methodology skills requisite for advanced positions in special education and engage in research on topics of particular interest and importance. Prepare and submit grant proposals-many of our students have received grants from the U.S. Department of Education. Have opportunities to publish throughout your program and present your work widely at state, regional, and national conferences. Develop a strong professional portfolio that leads to a faculty or research position in leading programs across the country.


Program Facts

Director of Graduate Studies: Robert Hodapp
Admission Term: Fall
Application Deadline: December 1


  • Early Childhood Program

    The Early Childhood Program is designed to serve infants, toddlers, young children, and their families who deal with a wide range of developmental delays including cognitive, communication, social, adaptive behavior, or motor skills.

  • High Incidence Program

    The High Incidence Program is designed to serve children and young adults with learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and mild-to-moderate intellectual disability.

  • Low Incidence Program

    The Low Incidence Program is designed to serve children, youth, and adults who have intellectual disability, autism, multiple disabilities, and other students with extensive support needs or visual disabilities.

Tuition and Financial Aid

All admitted Ph.D. students receive funding for at least four years of study, which includes full tuition, a monthly stipend competitive with any college of education in the nation, and health insurance. Based on presented qualifications, Peabody will nominate select students for additional honor scholarships and fellowships that supplement the baseline college award. SPED receives leadership training grants from the Office of Special Education Programs in the U.S. Department of Education that provide doctoral students with tuition, monthly stipends, health insurance, and professional travel. To be eligible for these grants, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Other funding streams are available for those who do not meet these requirements.


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