Designing for equity

Christy King

M.Ed. 2017

Artistic Director

Each [Peabody] professor encouraged me to become a reflective practitioner and to consider the ways that my coursework could be applied to my future practice.

A major shift in my thinking has been inspired by the ethnographic work in qualitative research or the empathy-building practices in design thinking. With the idea of ‘teacher as learner’ in mind, instead of preparing to be the expert, I can learn from the children and families for whom I am designing programs or curricula in order to best meet their needs and create quality learning experiences. Throughout my coursework, I never stopped thinking about two things that I was already interested in: teaching and art-making. Each professor encouraged me to become a reflective practitioner and to consider the ways that my coursework could be applied to my future practice, and this was immensely helpful in preparing me to use what I learned. My time at Peabody deepened my understanding of how individuals learn and also challenged me to think about ways of thinking and learning that are privileged in educational settings and how I might design for equity instead of against it.