Treating the Whole Patient

Brooke Berger

M.Ed. 2019

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Resident,
Garden Pediatrics

My time at Peabody changed my life. I was embraced by professors, challenged, and encouraged to find my calling.

The Child Studies program set the best possible foundation for learning how to apply scientific evidence toward optimizing pediatric health outcomes. Practicing pediatric medicine requires careful consideration of the biopsychosocial demands that influence typical and atypical development. The skills I learned in the Child Studies program in assessing these variables has enhanced my ability to care for my patients as a clinician in innumerable ways.

Most important, at Peabody I learned how to learn. I developed my own intellectual curiosity, was endlessly encouraged to pursue my interests, and was given many opportunities to turn these interests into research and action. I now have the confidence as a healthcare provider to evaluate the literature for the best evidence from which to treat my patients and to be thoughtful about how I can contribute to moving the field of nursing forward.

My time at Peabody changed my life. I was embraced by professors, challenged, and encouraged to find my calling. I would do it again in a heartbeat!