Mary Frances Street
M.P.P. 2020
Education Program Specialist,
United States Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
The various internships and fellowships I wasable to complete during my time at Peabody helped tremendously in my understanding of how to work with a variety of stakeholders in education policy and government work.
I work with state educational agencies (SEAs) on their Title I, Part A programs, aswell as servingon the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief team. I work closely with SEAs to help support their local education agenciesand schools with high percentages and numbers of economically disadvantaged students, providing technical assistance and support. I have also had the opportunity to work with both career employees and political appointees on policy decisions as they relate to Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. The various internships and fellowships I was able to complete during my time at Peabody helped tremendously in my understanding of how to work with a variety of stakeholders in education policy and government work.
I think Peabody is uniquely situated to provide not only the base of knowledge in the classroom but also the practical skills through their partnerships with surrounding groups. There are so many opportunities to take what you learn in the classroom and applyit. I believe this is vitally important when it comes to understanding how a student may want to be involved in the education-policy world, whether that is working in the federal, state, or local governmental department;with a legislative body;or with an advocacy organization.