In advance of your arrival on campus, you can setup your mobile Commodore Card beginning July 1. All students will need the mobile Commodore Card to access academic buildings, libraries, and the recreation center. The first step is to upload your ID photo for approval. Once you receive photo approval, set up your mobile Commodore Card .
The mobile Commodore Card will not work for the Nashville bus system. If you plan to use the bus system, you will need to contact the Commodore Card Office directly to obtain a physical ID card in addition to the mobile Commodore Card. Although the website is geared for incoming undergraduates, the process to obtain an ID card for Peabody master's and Ed.D. students is the same. You will follow the instructions for incoming first-year students.
Peabody Ph.D. students are asked to follow the Graduate School's student ID card ordering instructions that will be shared with them.