Peabody Professional & Graduate Student Orientation 2024

We look forward to welcoming incoming masters and doctoral students to Peabody during 2024 Orientation! In-person Orientation takes place Monday, August 19 and Tuesday, August 20. Please be sure to register to join us by Monday, August 12. 

Peabody Orientation

Welcome to the Neighborhood!

We can't wait to welcome you to Peabody and Nashville for our 2024 Orientation events. Our programming is designed to equip you with important information, tools and resources to welcome you to our neighborhood and help you thrive as a Peabody student. Please note that students who began their program in online courses during summer sessions and did not receive orientation programming during those online sessions are encouraged to attend all August orientation programming. Students who received orientation activities as part of their summer program (either in person or via zoom) should plan to attend Tuesday's events. 

In-Person Orientation

In-person Orientation programming will take place from 2–5 p.m. Monday, August 19 and resume at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20 with optional sessions early Tuesday afternoon. Summer-start students who received an orientation either in person or by zoom do not need to attend Monday's events. 

Please register to attend orientation by Monday, August 12. Orientation programming includes time with program and department faculty and classmates, as well as sessions offered by the Peabody Dean's Office to help acclimate you to life as a Peabody student. A full schedule of orientation programming will be available in early August.

Pre-Orientation Events

Prior to Orientation, we want to invite you to take part in events that are designed to help ease your transition to Nashville and Peabody College. Take a look at the upcoming offerings and register today!

Wednesday, August 7
10 a.m. CST Webinar

Pre-Orientation Prep for Peabody!

Join the final Welcome Webinar of the summer and make sure your enrolled student checklist is completely checked off ahead of orientation and the start of classes! Staff and current students will give final reminders and tips, let you know what to expect at orientation, and answer questions. 
Register here ➝

August 12-16
10 a.m. Peabody Administration Building

Campus Tours for Incoming Students

Meet fellow incoming students and check out the Peabody and larger Vanderbilt campuses with current Peabody students before Orientation and the Fall Semester begins. Tours will last between 40 minutes and an hour. Register by emailing and let us know which day you'd like to join! Campus Tours will also be available on Tuesday, August 20 before programming begins.

Dates Vary
Times Vary Locations Vary

International Student Orientation (choose one of three dates)

Incoming professional and graduate international students are required to attend one of three available International Student Orientations. Staff from International Student and Scholar Services are leading these orientations. This orientation will discuss important information about your F-1/J-1 status, including information about travel, employment, and enrollment requirements. Light refreshments will be available.

Orientation Dates:
Friday, July 12, 9 - 11 a.m. in Commons 235/237
Thursday, August 8, 9-11 a.m. in Student Life Center Ballroom
Wednesday, August 14, 9-11 a.m. in Student Life Center Board of Trust room

Register here ➝

Thursday, August 8
11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Student Life Center Ballroom

International Student Resource Fair

Join International Student and Scholar Services and staff, faculty, and campus partners to gather information and resources specific to international students. Takes place immediately after the August 8 International Student Orientation. 

Incoming Student Brightspace Group and Pre-Orientation Compliance

Don't forget! Important transition information and campus resources are available to you in the Peabody Enrolled Professional Student Brightspace group, along with recordings of all the webinars that we've hosted this summer. You'll have access to this group during your entire time at Peabody - be sure to check it often for reminders about VU and Peabody resources, who to contact, and other helpful information.

There are additional required pre-orientation modules administered by Vanderbilt University Student Affairs that all incoming students must complete before the start of the fall semester. Instructions to complete these modules will be emailed to incoming students through an email address to their VU email address, and students should make note of the deadline to complete these modules, which will be included in the instruction email. 

Orientation Schedule

Find the schedule for your specific program and department.

Preparing for Orientation

  • Background Clearance Office (BCO)

    Students need to complete Background Clearance prior to the start of classes.There are two types of clearance: fingerprint and non-fingerprint. The type you need is determined by your program of study. Begin the clearance process hereThe programs of study are found here. Please be sure to enroll in and complete the correct type of clearance. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the BCO at or 615-322-0834.

  • Student ID Cards

    In advance of your arrival on campus, you can setup your mobile Commodore Card beginning July 1.  All students will need the mobile Commodore Card to access academic buildings, libraries, and the recreation center. The first step is to upload your ID photo for approval. Once you receive photo approval, set up your mobile Commodore Card .

    The mobile Commodore Card will not work for the Nashville bus system. If you plan to use the bus system, you will need to contact the Commodore Card Office directly to obtain a physical ID card in addition to the mobile Commodore Card. Although the website is geared for incoming undergraduates, the process to obtain an ID card for Peabody master's and Ed.D. students is the same. You will follow the instructions for incoming first-year students.

    Peabody Ph.D. students are asked to follow the Graduate School's student ID card ordering instructions that will be shared with them.

  • Official Transcripts

    Vanderbilt University must have official copies of your transcripts before you are able to attend classes. If we have not yet received your official transcripts you will be notified by the University Registrar's Office (URO). Please make sure you submit the official copies immediately.

  • Academic Calendar 2024-25

    Familiarize yourself with important dates for the 2024-25 academic year.

  • Immunization

    Immunizations must be completed and records submitted to Student Health before you are able to register for courses or take part in campus activities.

    Full instructions on how to complete Immunization is available here. Please note the deadline to submit these documents has already passed - if you have not yet completed them, you should do so as soon as possible. All questions regarding immunization should be directed to

Social Media

Remember to tag #ProudlyPeabody on social media and follow us on FacebookTwitterInstagram and LinkedIn for Orientation news, photos, live coverage and more!


If you have any immediate questions about Orientation 2024, please email