There are a number of ways to secure employment during your time at Peabody. We recommend focusing on roles with Peabody, Vanderbilt, or those that your Program Director or Admissions Coordinator may send to you, as those employers prioritize students and are likely to be most flexible with your course schedule and academic commitments.
There are a number of different positions available to students, with a variety of payment styles. Some may include partial tuition benefit, hourly wages, or a stipend, or some combination of the three. Roles may include Graduate Assistantships, Graduate Student Worker positions, Teaching Assistantships, or Research Assistantships. While many Peabody students work during their time on campus, we do not guarantee a student position.
It's also important to know that with budget approval timelines, sometimes positions open and are posted in the late spring and summer months. We encourage you to bookmark and regularly check the Peabody Job Board for the most up-to-date listings. Enrolled students will also receive access to HireADore in July, to view available positions across Vanderbilt’s campus, some of which may preference students who have been awarded Federal Work Study as part of their financial aid award. We’ve included valuable links about employment below, including our Guide to Student Employment, which may help clarify things for you!
Guide to Student Employment
Peabody Job Board
VU Office of the Provost Graduate Assistantships
Each year, the Office of the Provost conducts their own Graduate Assistant application process for available Graduate Assistant (GA) and Graduate Area Coordinator (GAC) roles. This year, they have 14 positions available. Please note that these are just some of the many positions available to incoming Peabody students. These roles, however, are centrally handled by the Office of the Provost and the Dean of Students Office, and as such, their application process is managed by staff of those offices, and occurs much earlier than many of the other available positions at Peabody or across Vanderbilt.
To learn more about the process, you should visit their website. Each of their open positions will also be listed on the Peabody Job Board. These positions are available to all admitted Peabody students - both domestic and international. Their applications open on Thursday, February 6 and the priority deadline to apply is Tuesday, February 25.
Additionally, they use a platform to submit application materials that may request you to have Vanderbilt login credentials. Not to worry! There is a process by which you can create an account in this platform using your mobile phone number. If you have any issues setting up an account, you should reach out to the Office of the Provost staff directly by email at
Finally, their staff have recorded a webinar that helps you to understand more about the available positions and the application process. We encourage you to view it before submitting your applications. It's linked here for you.
Additional Information
Please note: The College does not want students to be overly burdened with on-campus work hours, which could negatively affect their wellness, as they are to be primarily focused on their studies. Therefore, professional students employed on any non-sponsored funding source (any net asset class besides 15 (grants and contracts)) at the College should work no more than 20 hours per week if they are enrolled in nine credit hours or more in the fall or spring semesters or six or more credit hours in the summer.
Although the University does permit students to work up to 29.5 hours per week, professional students may not be employed for more than 20 hours per week if any non-sponsored funding sources (any net asset class besides 15 (grants and contracts)) are used. Requests for exceptions must be approved by the program director and the Dean.